Save Hawaii Jobs and Businesses #18 – $900 Billion STIMULUS 2 Overview and Live Q & A

Happy holidays to you all! Here is the recording of Save Hawaii Jobs and Businesses Webinar 18. In Save Hawaii Jobs and Businesses Webinar #18, we talk about the new $900 billion economic relief package, give an overview, and have live Q and A. If you have any questions feel free to send them to […]
Hawai‘i Tourism Reopening Consortium Webinar 8: Impact of the Activities, Events and Wedding Industry

Welcome to the eighth and final episode of Hawaii Tourism Re-Opening Consortium Webinar. In this episode we talk about the Impacts and Forecast of the Activities, Events and Wedding Industry. On behalf of the University of Hawaii Shidler College of Business Alumni Association and the Travel Industry Management International, Inc, we would like to invite […]
Hawai‘i Tourism Reopening Consortium Webinar Episode 7: Impacts and Forecast of the Restaurant & Food Industry

Welcome to the seventh episode of Hawaii Tourism Re-Opening Consortium Webinar. In this episode we talk about the Impacts and Forecast of the Restaurant & Food Industry. On behalf of the University of Hawaii Shidler College of Business Alumni Association and the Travel Industry Management International, Inc, we would like to invite you to join […]
Hawaii Tourism Re-Opening Consortium Webinar Episode 6: Impacts and Forecast of the Retail & Shopping Center Industry

Welcome to the sixth episode of Hawaii Tourism Re-Opening Consortium Webinar. In this episode we talk about the Impacts and Forecast of the Retail & Shopping Center Industry. On behalf of the University of Hawaii Shidler College of Business Alumni Association and the Travel Industry Management International, Inc, we would like to invite you to […]
Hawaii Tourism Re-Opening Consortium Webinar Episode 5: Restoring Travel from Japan

Welcome to the fifth episode of Hawaii Tourism Re-Opening Consortium Webinar. In this episode we talk about Restoring Travel from Japan. On behalf of the University of Hawaii Shidler College of Business Alumni Association and the Travel Industry Management International, Inc, we would like to invite you to join a new webinar series on supporting […]
Hawaii Tourism Re-Opening Consortium Webinar Episode 4: Impacts and Forecast of the Hotel Industry

Welcome to the fourth episode of Hawaii Tourism Re-Opening Consortium Webinar. In this episode we talk about the Impacts and Forecast of the Hotel Industry. On behalf of the University of Hawaii Shidler College of Business Alumni Association and the Travel Industry Management International, Inc, we would like to invite you to join a new […]
Hawaii Tourism Reopening Consortium Webinar Episode 3: Impacts and Forecast of the Airline Industry

Welcome to the third episode of Hawaii Tourism Re-Opening Consortium Webinar. In this episode we talk about the Impacts and Forecast of the Airline Industry. On behalf of the University of Hawaii Shidler College of Business Alumni Association and the Travel Industry Management International, Inc, we would like to invite you to join a new […]
Hawaii Tourism Reopening Consortium Webinar Episode 2: Reopening of Focused Health Safety Technology & Policy Innovation

Welcome to the second episode of Hawaii Tourism Re-Opening Consortium Webinar. In this episode we talk about the Re-opening of Focused Health Safety Technology & Policy Innovation. On behalf of the University of Hawaii Shidler College of Business Alumni Association and the Travel Industry Management International, Inc, we would like to invite you to join […]
Save Hawaii Jobs and Businesses #17 – LATEST Updates on PPP Forgiveness, Updates from SBA Hawaii, & Live Q & A

Episode #17 – LATEST Updates on PPP Forgiveness, Updates from SBA Hawaii, & Live Q & A: In our seventeenth episode of Save Hawaii Jobs and Businesses, we go over the Latest Updates on PPP Forgiveness, we get an Update from SBA Hawaii, & have a Live Q & A session.
Hawaii Tourism Re-Opening Consortium Webinar Episode 1: Restarting Hawaii’s Tourism Industry

Please enjoy episode #1 of Hawaii Tourism Re-Opening Consortium Webinar: Restarting Hawaii’s Tourism Industry. On behalf of the University of Hawaii Shidler College of Business Alumni Association and the Travel Industry Management International, Inc, a new webinar series on supporting the re-opening of Hawaii’s tourism industry has begun. These webinars are designed to stimulate ideas […]